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Sam’s Launch

They say when one door closes, another door opens. Those are some wise words. 🙂 The Fresh Market in Bloomington recently closed its doors permanently. This store heard our first sales pitch. They were the first store who saw our products’ potential and gave us the opportunity of a lifetime. We visited the store one last time & it was, well, SAD. Literally, tears in our eyes sad. We remember showing the manager our products & blowing him away! He got it, truly got it! That door has closed, however, the door to Sam’s Club has officially opened.

Over the past year, we have been working with Sam’s on coordinating an all-club launch. This all began when a buyer from Sam’s fell in love with our products thanks to one of our amazing employees, we call her “Employee #1!” We spoke with him over the next several months, answering questions, sending samples, etc., wondering, will this really happen?!?

We officially got the account a few months ago. Preparation for an account this size is fun, but CRAZY! There is so much planning & coordination that goes into everything. It can be super stressful with all the deadlines & wanting the launch to be perfect. Our team is working around the clock to fill orders. We have an in-house person coordinating shipping, managing all inventory, and we are balancing the new Sam’s business with all of our current accounts. There are so many moving parts that must line up to ensure our dough is on the shelf on time. Dare we say, the stress is part of the fun?! 🙂

The support we have received from our family, friends, and customers is amazing. To see our product start in one store locally, and now be offered in all Sam’s Clubs throughout the US (in addition to over 10,000 other supermarkets) is bigger than we could have ever dreamed. The steps to get there may have been small, but those small steps have added up to big things! Thank you for being part of our journey!